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Home> Destinations> Europe> Vienna> Accommodation

Wien Hotels

Updated: 2014-06-20 / (wtcf.travel)



Wien Hotels is the booking service of the Vienna Tourist Board, the official tourism organization of the city of Vienna.

Book through Vienna Hotels & Info...

...by phone: +43 - 1 - 24 555 Monday-Saturday from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm ...by fax: +43 - 1 - 24 555 - 666 ...by e-mail: info@wien.info ...by mail: WienTourismus, Obere Augartenstraße 40, A-1020 Vienna

Or use the convenient online booking form

Please note that online bookings are made through our partner HRS and that the establishments may be categorized/evaluated differently in individual cases.

Vienna Hotels & Info is happy to book rooms for individuals and groups of up to 9 people. We are unable to make reservations for travel agencies and for groups of more than 9 people.

Vienna Hotels would be pleased to reserve your accommodation in all Viennese accommodations, hotels, B&Bs, seasonal hotels and apartments. The list of accommodation facilities helps you to find the right lodgings for your stay in Vienna. Simply select the location and category at the click of a mouse and receive information on the amenities available at the chosen accommodation provider.

For most of the establishments, bookings can be made immediately without further inquiries.

Click here for more hotel information in Vienna



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