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Home> Destinations> Asia> Beijing> See> Parks and Gardens

Yuanmingyuan Garden

Updated: 2014-07-01 / (chinadaily.com.cn)

[Photo from visitbeijing.com.cn]

The Ruins of the Yuanmingyuan, also known as the Garden of Perfection and Brightness, is located northwest of Beijing and east of the Summer Palace. The Garden was first constructed in 1709 during the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). Over the next 150 years, the Garden was expanded as a large-scale Chinese emperors' private pleasure garden, covering 350 hectares (over 864 acres). British and French troops destroyed it in the late 19th century, which has been deserted ever since.

[Photo from visitbeijing.com.cn]

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