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Museum of the Asian-African Conference

Updated: 2014-07-14 / (bandungtourism.com)

[Photo from bandungtourism.com]

The Asian-African Conference which was held on April 18 to 24, 1955 in Bandung gained a big success both in formulating common concerns and in preparing operational guidance for cooperation among Asian African Nation as well as in creating world order and world peace. The conference has had a result Dasasila Bandung, which became the guideline for the colonized countries in fighting for their independence. It also became the fundamental principles in promoting world peace and international cooperation. The success of the conference was not only for the time being but also for the time after so that the soul and spirit of the Asian-African Conference becomes one of the most important factor that deciding world history. All is a huge prestige that gained by the Asian African Nations.

The spirit of Bandung had succeeded in widening the work volume among Asian African Nations. As a consequence, their influence and their role in international cooperation are increased and more respected. In order to maintain those mentions above, it is important if the Asian-African Conference with its event is maintained eternally in a museum where the conference was held, Gedung Merdeka, Bandung, a city that is considered as a capital city and a source of inspiration for the Asian-African Nations. As a Minister of Foreign Affairs, Prof. Dr. Mochtar Kusumaatmadja, S.H., LL.M., often met and got involved in some discussions with some of the Asian African Leaders. They frequently asked him about Gedung Merdeka and City of Bandung, which was the venue of the Asian-African Conference. The discussions were always ended with their wishes to be able to visit Bandung and Gedung Merdeka.

Inspired by desires to eternalize the Asian-African Conference, the idea of establishing a Museum of the Asian-African Conference in Gedung Merdeka was born by Prof. Dr. Mochtar Kusumaatmadja, S.H., LL.M.. The idea was delivered in the meeting of the Committee for the Commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the Asian-African Conference (1980), which was attended by Directorate General of Culture, Prof. Dr. Haryati Soebadio as a representative for the Department of Culture and Education. Fortunately, the idea was fully supported including President of the Republic of Indonesia, Soeharto. The idea of establishing the Museum of the Asian-African Conference had been materialized by Joop Ave, the Executive Chairman of the Committee of the 25th Anniversary of the Asian-African Conference and Director General of Protocol and Consular in the Department of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with Department of Information, Department of Education and Culture, the Provincial Government of West Java, and Padjadjaran University. The technical planning and its execution was carried out by PT Decenta, Bandung. The Museum of the Asian-African Conference was inaugurated by President of the Republic of Indonesia, Soeharto on April 24 1980 as the culmination of the 25th Anniversary of the Asian-African Conference. Gedung Merdeka (The Venue of the Asian African Conference) YEAR 1895 Gedung Merdeka located on Jalan Asia Afrika Number 65Bandung was built in 1895 as a meeting place for European people, especially who lived in Bandung and its surroundings. Most of them were the owner of the tea plantation and Dutch officers. They established a society which was well known as Societeit Concordia on June 29 1879. The purpose of the society was "de bevordering van gezellig verkeer". As a meeting place, at first they used to gather having some tea in the Warung De Vries.

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