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Barli Museum

Updated: 2014-07-14 / (bandungtourism.com)

[Photo from bandungtourism.com]

[Photo from bandungtourism.com]

The museum which has character as appreciation facilities collecting many creation of fine art choosing of esthetic value which proper as historical milestone of Bandung fine art journey. In their developing, this museum was give many participate also increasing fell love to father land and developing of art culture. Variety of the activities which organize in special room as: exhibition of fine art creation (in room exhibition), selling of exhibit creation, discuss, saresehan about fine art with variety titles are: social, culture, economic, and IPTEK (in discuss room), selling of creation, souvenir, workshop, studio training of painting (training room), published of schedule, and documentation.

Base on the taught of give aware about important art appreciation to the society, according with developing of art which go forward by speed, also prepare place or room for perform the creation of artist so can be enjoyed by public, so established Barli Museum which dedication by Menteri pariwisata Pos dan Telekomunikasi (MENPARPOSTEL) at October 26, 1992. Construction of Barli museum base on Barli Sasmita concept which was hidden since ten years ago, so without limit and his actor to realization his ideal, all family participate in effort to supported for established this museum. Also Charles Ali helps him too, the young architect of Bandung, and so the concept can be realization.

Established of Barli Museum also looked of style of developing fine art as member of "Kelompok Lima Bandung" (together with Affandi, Hendra Gunawan, Wahdi Sumanta, and Sudarso) from period to other period, begin at has realism, at the beginning Barli step as painter, impressionism and expressionism. The museum which has character as appreciation facilities collecting many creation of fine art choosing of esthetic value which proper as historical milestone of Bandung fine art journey.

In their developing, this museum was give many participate also increasing fell love to father land and developing of art culture. Variety of the activities which organize in special room as: exhibition of fine art creation (in room exhibition), selling of exhibit creation, discuss, saresehan about fine art with variety titles are: social, culture, economic, and IPTEK (in discuss room), selling of creation, souvenir, workshop, studio training of painting (training room), published of schedule, and documentation. The variety of those activities, doing to reach the appreciation level of public to world of Indonesia art, beside to saving and environment of art creation for discover of historical value, also as sign about the existence of Barli in occupy the world of Indonesia art.

For every body that interest to visit this museum can come in Saturday until Thursday on 09.00-17.00 WIB. While on Friday and holiday closed.


Hours: Saturday until Thursday on 09.00-17.00 WIB


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