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Home> Destinations> Asia> Bandung> Shopping

Bandung Indah Plaza

Updated: 2014-07-14 / (bandungtourism.com)
[Photo from bandungtourism.com]

Bandung Indah Plaza is one of the major shopping centers in the city of Bandung. This mall is the oldest shopping center in Bandung. Founded in the late 80's, began to open in 1989 and is officially opened on August 19, 1990.

Known as BIP, became an icon in Bandung shopping period. Previously, the only known Bandung department store concept and supermarkets. Located in the center of town, Jalan Merdeka, Bandung. With no BIP the region became a hangout / hang out a new switch from the Square of the city and also the beginning of the construction of malls and shopping centers in North Bandung (formerly Bandung almost everything is on the south, border the railroad).

BIP is now experiencing expansion and renovation of the building, and move management / owners of the old to the new owner is accompanied by changes in the new concept as well. In this mall there are several tenants such as Hypermart, Matahari Department Store, BIP, Pizza Hut, Timezone, and others. Mall is integrated with the hotel Hyatt Regency Bandung.


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