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Home> Destinations> Asia> Almaty> Eat and Drink> Cafes

Segafredo Zanetti Coffee House

Updated: 2014-07-16 / (almaty-kazakhstan.net)

[photo from almaty-kazakhstan.net]

SegafredoZanetti is one of Italy’s leading espresso companies and this cafe specializes in the real thing. It is also known for its desserts and outdoor seating.

Address: 46 Dostyk Avenue (corner of Zhambul Street) Tel: +7 727 2910227

Hotels Near Here

Grand Tien Shan Hotel, Hotel Alma-Ata, City Hotel Tien Shan, Hotel Kazakhstan, Best Eastern Dostyk Hotel and Worldhotel Saltanat Almaty are all within a 10-15 minute drive by car.

Place to eat and drink near Here

The Shakespeare Pub, La Grenouille are all within a 10 minute walk.


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