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Home> Destinations> Asia> Almaty> Eat and Drink> Bars

Line Brew

Updated: 2014-07-16 / (almaty-kazakhstan.net)


[photo from almaty-kazakhstan.net]

Line Brew welcomes guests with a graceful fountain – a replica of the world-famous sculpture in Brussels. It has a welcoming and cozy vaulted hall of a medieval castle with a colorful stained glass windows, wrought-iron bars on the windows.

A spectacular sight in the center of the hall is a live fire, near which the chef-virtuoso magician makes his act.

Address: 187 Furmanov Street, Almaty

Tel: +7 727 2507985

Website: http://www.line-brew.kz/restaurants/about-almaty

Getting Here

Abai Metro Station is a 10 minute walk

Sights near Here

Presidential Palace is a 10 minute walk.

The City Akim is a 5 minute walk.

The Central State Museum is a 13 minute walk.

The monument of Independence is a 5 minute walk.

Hotels Near Here

The intercontinental Hotel is a 15 minute walk.

Holiday Inn Hotel is a 18 minute walk.


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