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Boston Weather

Updated: 2014-07-16 / (bostonusa.com)

With four distinct seasons, Boston's weather is forever changing. The statewide weather motto is: If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes.

Summer can be delightful with the ocean breezes helping keep the humid temps in control. Evening temperatures can be cool and may require a light sweater. And a pop up thunderstorm is not uncommon, so you may want to include an umbrella in your bag. Summers average high temperatures in July are above 80 °F (26.7 °C) and overnight lows above 60 °F (15.5 °C)

Winter rears it's head with cooler temperatures and a potential for snow fall December thru March. Winters are cold, but generally less extreme on the coast with high temperatures in the winter averaging above freezing even in January, although areas further inland will be colder. Don't forget to pack your heavy coat, hat and maybe a pair of boots.

Spring is a welcomed season as temperatures start to rise and the growing season begins. But, don't forget a jacket and an umbrella, as the growing season also means moisture is in the air.

Fall boasts crisp, cooling temperatures as Mother Nature displays her glorious colors in our foliage. Grab that heavier sweater and maybe a scarf so you can enjoy a stroll through the park.

Whatever the season, there's plenty to do - Enjoy the water and dining alfresco in the summer, go indoors to a museum or theatre show in the winter months, experience the walking tours and trails in the spring and fall. Just enjoy all that Boston has to offer!

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