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Home> Destinations> Asia> Almaty> Accommodation

The Royal Tulip Hotel Almaty

Updated: 2014-07-16 / (almaty-kazakhstan.net)

[Photo from almaty-kazakhstan.net]

The Royal Tulip hotel contains 165 rooms, ranging from Classic rooms to the Presidential Suite. Each contains contemporary charm and comfort, and stares out at the towering Tian Shan Mountains. Its location is only a few kilometers from many city attractions, but for those that wish to relax, you won’t have to travel far. You can enjoy the beauty and spa treatment at the hotel’s fitness and health center, or sample unique dishes at the hotel’s dining establishments. After dinner, enjoy a cocktail at the Royal Café, Lobby Lounge Bar, Atrium Bar or the Spa Bar.

The experienced staff of the Royal Tulip can assist you both in the hotel and outside by offering you expert advice on locations and attractions.


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