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Home> Destinations> Asia> Almaty> See> Themed Routes

Tamgaly Tas on Ili River Tour

Updated: 2014-07-16 / (almaty-kazakhstan.net)

This route provides you a great opportunity not only enjoy the beautiful natural landscapes of Almaty region, but also see the one of the unique monuments of the past – Tamgaly Tas, where fragments of the rocks keep images of Buddha as well as prayer texts in Tibetan, Kalmyk and other languages. It is still unknown when and under what circumstances these images have appeared, and who the author is; the scientists have been unraveling a mystery of these enigmatic drawings for more than 150 years already.

On the way you are expected the brief stop at Kapchagai reservoir – the “artificial sea” which is the favorite and the most visited recreation area for Almaty townspeople in the region. During the stop you will have a good chance to take memorable pictures with one of the largest artificial reservoir in Kazakhstan on the background.

Upon arrival to Tamgaly Tas Gorge your guide will tell you a lot of interesting things about this amazing place. On the opposite bank of the Ili River you can observe the scenery of medieval Kazakhstan which has been specially constructed for the movie “The Nomad”.

You also will have a picnic on the bank of the Ili River and free time for recreation at nature.


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