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Home> Destinations> Asia> Almaty> See> Themed Routes

Almaty Today Tour

Updated: 2014-07-16 / (almaty-kazakhstan.net)

Learn about Almaty’s history and development while having an unhurried walk along one of the city’s main streets. Enjoy the attractions that you shall encounter along the route, such as the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Palace of the President, Republic Square, and the Monument of Independence.

Upon reaching one of the stations of Almaty subway, take a short ride in the subway car to go to the next destination – Panfilov Park. This park is one of the oldest that can be found in Almaty, where you shall see the Zenkov Cathedral, the most photographed building in the city, and the Memorial of Glory and Eternal Flame that is dedicated to the memory of the fighters who died for the country’s freedom and independence.

Then visit the trade part of the city and take a fun walk along Zhibek Zholy – the pedestrian street found in “Almaty Arbat,” the so-called heart of the city. As you sit comfortably on the benches enjoying the fountains and explore shops and cafes jostling nearby, you may also meet a few professional and amateur artists who offer their works for sale.

The tour ends near Zangar (Central Department Store), the best and the most convenient place for handicrafts and antique Kazakh jewelry. Also, the top floor of this department store houses a treasury of different national souvenirs, which you may also take a glance at before leaving.


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