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The Basilica Museum

Updated: 2014-07-17 / (visitmalta.com)

[Photo from visitmalta.com]

The Basilica Museum - Il-Ħaġar | Heart of Gozo is an audio-visual, fine arts and historical museum that tells a story. It is unique in the Maltese islands in that its construction, including a medieval wing, was conceived and designed as a modern multi-mediatic museum that includes audio-visual halls and interactive points on every floor. Through the displayed objects and their ancillary information the visitors are introduced into an important aspect of Gozo: that of the island's succession of cultures, civilizations and religions, with an accent on Gozitan Christianity.

Basically this museum and cultural centre, displays a rich collection of historical and artistic artifacts previously inaccessible to the general public. There is also space for temporary exhibitions and cultural / recreational events that can be held on its panoramic roofs.

The Museum is an innovative and unique element aiding the branding of Gozo, indeed the Maltese islands, as cultural destinations of excellence.

The museum is located at St George's Square, flanking the famous and the ever popular with tourists St George's Basilica. The museum is actually conceptually and quasi-physically linked to the basilica.

Combined guided visits to both the Basilica and the Museum are organized at no additional cost.

Il-Ħaġar Museum is only a ten-minute walk from the public transport service located at Main Gate Street and just a few meters from Independence Square / It-Tokk.

Address: St George's Square

Hours: Tuesdays to Sundays - 11.00am till 7.00 pm

Contacts: 356 21557504/ 356 99829191


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