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Home> Destinations> Europe> Valletta> Experience> Sports and Recreations

Manoel Theatre

Updated: 2014-07-17 / (tripadvisor.com)

Manoel Theatre is the second oldest theatre in Europe; first opened to the public in 1732 and is still in use today. In the past few years a team of restorers has beeen returning the theatre`s interior to its former splendour. With 600 seats and row upon row of intimate boxes finished with flamboyant baroque carvings. Its acoustics are so fine that one can hear the conductor turning the pages of their score. From the sumptuous interior to the atmospheric courtyard - often used for literary gatherings; an evening at the Manoel makes for a great night out.

The theatre runs guided tours of the auditorium, back stage and the theatre museum. The museum is a tribute to three centuries of theatrical history on the Maltese Islands, displaying various items of memorabilia. Items on display include a number of exhibits that have been donated by generous private collectors.


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