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Home> Destinations> Europe> Valletta> Experience> Festivals


Updated: 2014-07-17 / (visitmalta.com)

[Photo from visitmalta.com]

February brings along the carnival week, which takes on a traditional pattern; extravagantly colored floats are perched on lorries ready for the procession, children running around in fancy costumes and Malta’s main nightlife centre, Paceville, catching the late night carnival goers who pile into the clubs and bars, still wearing their outrageous outfits.

The heart of the action takes place in Valletta, though various towns and villages across the Island have their own version of festivities.

For a particular interpretation, visit Nadur, Gozo, where carnival takes on a more macabre and funny mood.

The carnival week is a time to let your hair down and go with the flow – perfect for those who enjoy a good party!


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