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Famous PEOPLE Players Dine & Dream Theatre

Updated: 2014-07-17 / (seetorontonow.com)

Famous PEOPLE Players is Canada’s internationally acclaimed black light theatre company. For 40 years we have electrified and energized audiences around the world with glow-in-the-dark magic and music.

The Players were discovered by the great showman and pianist, Liberace, and hired as his opening act in Las Vegas and on tour. They have performed on Broadway, at Radio City Music Hall, on the hit TV series 7th Heaven, Treehouse TV’s Roll Play in a CBS Emmy Award-winning movie called Special People and in numerous documentaries.

Visit Famous PEOPLE Players and enter a world of wonder and enchantment. The evening is filled with amazing performances. In our beautiful new dining room a freshly prepared gourmet meal is brought by the Players to your table. Then in the theatre the same cast of characters appears magically on stage to wow you with their glow-in-the-dark artistry. When the curtain comes down to thundering applause, you return to the dining room for a scrumptious Dufflet dessert and coffee.

Famous PEOPLE Players empowers our developmentally challenged cast to rise above their limitations and prove that dreams really can come true, when you believe in yourself. After your Famous PEOPLE Players experience you realize that in their quiet way, these special people have awakened a dream inside of you and inspired you to achieve more.

“Famous PEOPLE Players are..enthusiastic theatrical artists, living out a precious dream in a manner that is startlingly unique.”

343 Evans Ave.

Toronto, ON, M8Z 1K2

Phone: 416-532-1137

Fax: 416-532-6945

Email: fppsales@bellnet.ca

Website: www.fpp.org

Neighbourhood: West Toronto

- See more at: http://www.seetorontonow.com/listings/famous-people-players-dine-dream-theatre/#sthash.U1o9HsqK.dpuf


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