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Buddies In Bad Times Theatre

Updated: 2014-07-17 / (seetorontonow.com)

The Wanderers

By Kawa Ada. Directed by Nina Lee Aquino.

Dates: March 1st to 23rd.

In The Wanderers, Kawa Ada tells the story of a father and son who flee the war in Afghanistan only to be haunted by a mysterious force, reminding them (and us) that the horrors of war can never truly be escaped.

Me Talking to Myself in the Future

Written & directed by Marie Brassard.

Dates: March 26th to April 6th.

Theatrical innovator Marie Brassard imagines a fantastical future dream world in which a dying old woman drifts among the thoughts of someone in the present. A unique blend of music, drama, and technology, Me Talking to Myself in the Future is a poignant reflection on time and death.


Written & directed by Sky Gilbert.

Dates: April 30th to May 11th.

What happens when gay love and national security collide? The founding artistic director of Buddies is back in full form with this inventive look at a fictional love affair between two men in the midst of the 2010 WikiLeaks scandal.

Queer Pride 2014

Date: June 2014.

Celebrate World Pride with flair during Buddies’ month-long festival of theatre, art, music, and parties – featuring some of the best queer entertainers around. Programming details to be announced in Spring 2014.

Expand your artistic and intellectual horizons with a night out at Buddies in Bad Times Theatre. Tickets are available for purchase online, by phone, or at the box office.

For more information, visit BuddiesInBadTimes.com.

12 Alexander St.

Toronto, ON, M4Y 1B4

Phone: (416) 975-8555

Fax: (416) 975-9293

Email: tickets@buddiesinbadtimes.com

Website: www.buddiesinbadtimes.com

Neighbourhood: Downtown

- See more at: http://www.seetorontonow.com/listings/buddies-in-bad-times-theatre/#sthash.KoWlqrgS.dpuf

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