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Home> Destinations> Europe> Valletta> Accommodation> Hostels

Chapel 5 Suites

Updated: 2014-07-17 / (visitmalta.com)

[Photo from visitmalta.com]

Set at the centre of the Maltese islands comes this boutique bed and breakfast. Comfort,style, harmony all rolled into one. This bed and breakfast property is immersed amongst many pretty alleyways adorned with local sculptures, handpainted ceramic pots and greenery. This beautiful palatial property was first built approximately 300 years ago and has recently been restored to its former glory to offer a petite charm . Chapel 5 Suites is a relaxing retreat in the heart of a village easily accessible to all other major attractions. Nestled in the centre of the island it offers public transportation to most tourist areas and can easily reach all areas of Malta within an easy 15 minute drive radius. Naxxar is a historical village embedded in the traditions, cultural gems that the island has to offer. From richly decorated palaces to beautiful majestic houses to graciously adorned chapels and churches so why not come mix it with the locals and get a true taste of what Malta has to offer?


Address: 5 Alley 5, St Lucy Street Naxxar, Malta

Contacts: 356 79793721


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