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Home> Destinations> Europe> Valletta> Shopping

Embassy Shopping Centre

Updated: 2014-07-17 / (visitmalta.com)

[Photo from visitmalta.com]

Valletta now boasts its first, true, one-stop shopping and entertainment complex, the Embassy. Our complex is ageless in that it caters for the needs and tastes of both the teenager as well as that of the more mature person. You can find all the following products and services spread over eight floors: beachwear, bingo and electronic bingo, books and stationery, cinemas, digital and analogue television services, fashion accessories, food and drink, games room, internet services, lotto booth, kids fashion, ladies fashion, men's fashion, mobile telephony and services, perfumery and beauty products, postal services, shoes, toys, travel and VOIP services.


Address: St. Lucia's Street, Valletta, VLT 1185, Malta

Hours: Monday to Sunday

Contacts: 356 21227436



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