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Home> Destinations> America> Toronto> Eat and Drink> Local Cuisine

Carousel Bakery

Updated: 2014-07-18 / (seetorontonow.com)

A Toronto tradition in the landmark of St. Lawrence Market, the home of the Canadian Peameal Bacon sandwich which is their claim to fame and internationally recognized. Choose from a large selection of sandwiches, including smoked wild arctic char, flown in from the high arctic or from the largest selection of international breads in the city. Tuesday to Saturday. Catering available.

93 Front St. E.,

St. Lawrence Market

Toronto, ON, M5E 1C3

Phone: (416) 863-6764

Fax: 416-863-6764

Email: Carouselbakerytoronto@gmail.com

Website: www.stlawrencemarket.ca

Neighbourhood: Downtown

- See more at: http://www.seetorontonow.com/listings/carousel-bakery/#sthash.0HXAL1zP.dpuf


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