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Home> Destinations> America> Toronto> Shopping> Shopping Areas

Queen West

Updated: 2014-07-18 / (seetorontonow.com)
[photo from seetorontonow.com]

Location: Queen St. West, between Simcoe St. and Bathurst St.

Transit: TTC: Queen Station, then streetcar westbound

Set against a backdrop of historic buildings, Queen West is one of the trendiest shopping scenes in Toronto.

Toronto’s Fashion District boasts an extensive array of clothing stores, shoe stores, bead stores, and fabric and sewing supplies. It’s a goldmine for the fashion-hungry! At night the neighbourhood offers lively patios, bars and internationally renowned live music venues. A variety of live music can be found each night of the week ranging form rock to jazz. Re-charge with food from around the world at unique restaurants and cafes that are often open late.

Queen St. West mixes commerce and culture together into one dynamic environment.

Website: QueenstWestBIA.ca

- See more at: http://www.seetorontonow.com/explore-neighbourhoods/queen-west/#sthash.PsyEQrlY.dpuf


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