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Home> Destinations> America> Toronto> Transportation

Getting Here & Getting Around

Updated: 2014-07-18 / (seetorontonow.com)

Getting Here

-By Road

Several highways, including Highways 2, 401, 407 and the Queen Elizabeth Way, link surrounding cities to Toronto. Nearest Canada-U.S. border crossings are at Niagara Falls, Fort Erie and Windsor.

-Within Canada

Driving distances to/from Toronto: Major Canadian cities

From          Kilometers           Miles

Kingston         266                165

Montreal         545                338

Niagara Falls    288                179

North Bay        346                215

Ottawa           453                281

Quebec City      790                491

Windsor          378                234

From the U.S.

Driving distances to/from Toronto: Major American cities

From                Kilometers            Miles

Atlantic City ,NJ      912                 567

Boston, MA             906                 566

Buffalo, NY            154                 96

Chicago, IL            854                 534

Cincinnati, OH         802                 501

Cleveland, OH          476                 297

Detroit, MI            378                 236

New York, NY           851                 529

Philadelphia, PA       813                 508

Pittsburgh, PA         518                 324

Rochester, NY          274                 171

Syracuse, NY           390                 244

Washington, DC         832                 517

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