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Home> Destinations> America> Vancouver> Transportation

Getting Here

Updated: 2014-07-18 / (tourismvancouver.com)

[Photo from tourismvancouver.com]


If you're arriving by air, you'll most likely be flying into Vancouver International Airport (YVR). Located just 25 minutes from downtown, YVR is consistently rated one of the best airports in North America. There are more than a dozen international flights in and out of YVR every day, with 22 bound for the United States. For an estimate of how long it might take to fly to Vancouver, see our international flying times map.

Car & RV

Take your time. Stop along the way. Explore the countryside. Getting to and around Vancouver by car is easily accessible, with spectacular views!

Highway 1, the Trans-Canada Highway, accesses Vancouver from points east. If planning a driving tour, allow 12 hours from Calgary and five days from Montreal. Vancouver is only three hours north of Seattle. Take the Interstate 5, which becomes Highway 99 at the United States-Canada border.


Take the scenic route. Relax. Leave the driving to someone else.

Greyhound Lines serves Vancouver from numerous cities in the United States and Canada. In Canada call 604. 482.8747 or 1.800.661.8747; in the United States, call 1.800.231.2222.

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