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Home> Destinations> America> Houston> Eat and Drink> Restaurants

Bistro Lancaster

Updated: 2014-07-21 / (visithoustontexas.com)

[Photo from visithoustontexas]

Take in breakfast or a pre-theater meal at this smart bistro in The Lancaster Hotel.

Count on brisk service, serious coffee and fresh-squeezed OJ at this handsome, sunny-by-day refurbished landmark. Breakfast champions include The Lancaster with poached eggs on toasted English muffin with grilled Canadian bacon, topped with hollandaise sauce or the Heart Vitale breakfast of two cornmeal pancakes with fruit puree syrup and fresh fruit.

A solid lunch menu includes a melange of New American light choices like white bean and vegetable soup, Lancaster salad topped with fresh fish of the day, or roasted free-range chicken with asparagus.


Address :701 Texas, Lancaster Hotel,Houston TX 77002

Neighborhood: Downtown

Phone: 1 713 2289500


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