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Wolbong Seowon-Confucian School (Bingwoldang)

Updated: 2014-07-25 / (utour.gwangju.go.kr)

Sunjo considered all the lessons of Gi Daeseung carefully and made a book, which is called Nonsarok. This book contains logical theory about politics, economics, society and culture, and the truth of Sung Confucianism, whose purpose was to straighten society. He stressed the access to the King for offering advice or opinion. For sure, many scholars uttered it before his time, but that was all. However, he presented the way of positive speaking, that is, when a scholar give honest advice to the gentry or intellectuals, if the Royal court intercepts it, the scholar should risk his life to open the way. Wolbong Academy (Bingwoldang) was built in memorial of this marvelous person, Gobong Gi Daeseung.

It is located in Gwangsan-dong, Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju City, and is for the religious service of a great scholar Gi Daeseung. After passing away, his eldest son, Gi Hyojeong, built the Confucian School to pay high tribute to his deceased father's charitable deeds at Walbong village, Sanwol-dong, Gwangsan-gu. The name has been called Wolbong Academy after the name of the village. After that, Jeongjo dedicated an engraved board entitled 'Bingwaldang', meaning 'Bingwalseolwol', which symbolizes Gi Daeseung. However, it was torn down in 1868 when a decree went out by Daewongun to destroy all Confucian School. Local inhabitants restored Bingwaldang to its former state and moved it to Gwangsan-dong in 1938.

The current complex consists of a library and a shrine. Dongseoje was completed to remember him and was named the Wolbong Academy (Bingwoldang). Bingwaldang and a block-book entitled A Collection of Gobong´s Works are Cultural Assets of Gwangju City. Sitting and looking around the floor of the Wolbong Academy (Bingwoldang), we can vividly feel the popularity of a great scholar Gi Daeseung’s philiosophy. We can also feel the anxiety and despair he felt in that oppressive age. He was so lonely. But what he will be remembered for is his care for the people and the realization of a just and rich society for them. We can feel as if he were together with us right here and now.


Address: Gwangsan-dong, Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju Metropolitan City 452

Tel: 062-960-8225

Present condition of Cultural Property : Gwangju Metropolitan City Monument No. 9

Cultural production era: The Joseon Dynasty

Parking facilities: Possible

Manager: Gwangsan-gu Office

Tel: +82 62-960-8225

Times of use: 10:00 ~ 17:00

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