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Home> Destinations> Asia> Busan> Experience

Busan Sea Festival

Updated: 2014-07-25 / (visitkorea.or.kr)

[Photo from visitkorea.or.kr]

[Photo from visitkorea.or.kr]

The Busan Sea Festival is held at various beach locations including Haeundae Beach, Gwangalli Beach, Songdo Beach, and Songjeong Beach, and at various places in the city of Busan. It is Korea’s largest sea festival, and is a liaison of Busan International Rock Festival, Busan International Beach Dance Festival, Korean Sea Literature Festival, Busan Beach Game Festival and more. About 30 small to large festivals are held during Busan Sea Festival, and visitors can pick and choose those most attractive to their personal interests.

Festival Guide: The Busan Beach Festival offers quality art performances and a variety of water sports programs, and is centered on Busan’s most sought out beach, Haeundae! Approximately 12 million vacationers visit this beach every summer. All participating beaches offer windsurfing and beach volleyball tournaments, pin-swimming tournament, and a lot more water sports events. Visitors can also take advantage of free lessons offered in ocean rafting, canoeing, kayaking, scuba diving, banana boat rides, and more.

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