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Home> Destinations> Europe> Paris Ile de France> See> Parks and Gardens

Parc Monceau

Updated: 2014-07-25 / (parisinfo.com)

[Photo from parisinfo.com]

A lovely garden just over 8 hectares in size. Next to it is the Musée Cernuschi. Formerly the property of the Duc de Chartres, it is made up of illusions, — a Swiss farm, pagoda, pyramid, feudal ruins, Roman temple, undulating pathways, etc. The garden also features statues of famous writers and painters. It is surrounded by luxurious mansion houses. Claude Monet painted the park in 1876. As well as being an idyllic place to stroll, it is also popular with joggers and has a nice play area for children. Parc Monceau: Boulevard de Courcelles, Paris 8th - Metro Monceau


The construction of Parc Monceau dates back to the 17th century, under the orders of the Duke of Chartres. Situated in the 8th arrondissement, today it is one of the most elegant gardens in Paris, and a reflection of the district. Visitors can enter through the great wrought iron gates embellished with gold. Walking around the park, you’ll find many beautiful surprises: numerous statues, a Renaissance archway belonging to the former Paris City Hall, spectacular trees, a wide variety of birds and a large pond. Parc Monceau is surrounded by luxury buildings and sumptuous mansions, including the Musée Cernuschi (Museum of Asian Arts). A peaceful and pleasant park visited by Parisians and tourists. The park also features playgrounds for children.

Entrance fees and modalities

Independent tour NC

Guided tour Guided tours are organized by the 'Direction des Espaces Verts et de l’Environnement' (parks and environment head office). For further information www.paris.fr.

Group tour NC

Free NC

Free for young people and children NC

Free and reduced for disabled people NC

Opening times

Closing times NC

Exceptional closure NC

Opening times Summer: 7am-10pm Winter: 7am-8pm

Details of opening times NC

Opening of ticket desks NC

Late opening NC

Exceptional opening 1 January, Easter, Easter Monday, Ascension Day, 8 May, Whitsuntide, Whit Monday, 14 July, 15 August, 1 November, 11 November, 25 December


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