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Edinburgh Castle

Updated: 2014-07-28 / (visitingedinburgh.com)

Edinburgh Castle is the top visitor attraction in Scotland and the most recognisable tourist attraction in the world. It was built on the Castle rock, houses in Edinburgh were historically built on the area in front of the Castle. This area was called the Lawnmarket which can still be visited today. The old town continued down the High Street and Cannongate towards the Palace of Holyrood House. These streets are collectively called the Royal Mile. This route will also now take you from the Castle to the new Scottish Parliament. Situated on an extinct volcano it is part of Edinburgh's World Heritage site.

The Royal Mile leading down from the castle is a day out in its own right with St Giles Cathedral, Museum of Childhood, John Knoxs House, King Mary's Close and shops selling whiskey, tartan and other various Scottish gifts. Everything you would want to take home as a reminder of your trip to Scotland can be found on the High Street. The One O'clock gun

Opening Hours:

Summer:1 April-30 September: daily 9.30am to 6.30pm; last entry: 6p.m.

Winter: 1 October- 31 March: daily 9.30am to 4.30pm; last entry 5p.m.


Adult £10.30

Child £4.50

Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.


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