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Scotch Whisky

Updated: 2014-07-28 / (visitingedinburgh.com)

[Photo from visitingedinburgh.com]

[Photo from visitingedinburgh.com]

Edinburgh is a great place to buy Whisky, the water of life or to sample its many pleasures. Whisky has its own shops most pubs have a large selection of fine whiskies. A great idea in many pubs is to try the malt of the month. Remember in a pub Whisky is often less expensive than a pint of beer so enjoy.

People choose their Whisky according to their preffered taste, who knows what you will find, a peaty malt from the islands or a classic blend such as Chivas Regal. The "Wee" Whisky Shop on the Royal Mile has a Whisky to suit every taste.

Edinburgh offers an unique Whisky experience the Whisky Heritage Centre on the High Street provides a tour and an opportunity to find out about the heritage of our national drink.

Remember visit the online Whisky Shop at the Heritage Centre website.

Whisky Shopping

Whisky "the water of life" Scotch a drink to be savoured and where better to savour it than in Scotland. All supermarkets and Licensed Shops sell whisky but for the best variety go to some of the Specialist Whisky shops such as the Royal Mile Whisky Shop (pictured above)

Whisky Pubs

Edinburgh has a number of Bars that specialise in whisky. Robertsons bar on Rose street is a Malt Whisky specialist.

If you want to drink whisky, where better to enjoy it than by visiting Edinburgh. So if its a Malt or a blend enjoy the experience of sampling your way around Edinburghs Pubs.


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