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Home> Destinations> Europe> Veliko Tarnovo> See


Updated: 2014-07-28 / (veliko.co.uk)

Tsarevets castle compound is a mediaeval stronghold located on a hill with the same name (Tsarevets) in Veliko Tarnovo. It served as the Second Bulgarian Empire's primary fortress from 1185 to 1393, housing the royal and the patriarchal palaces, and is a popular tourist attraction.

The Tsarevets audio-visual show is an unique attraction. The show is organized by request and needs a minimum of 30 people to make it viable each night it is on. The best place to watch it is the ”Tsar Ivan-Asen II” square in front of the Tsarevets Fortress.

For more information call +359 (62) 63-69-52.

• Baldwin Tower Tsarevets

Baldwin's Tower is a modern reconstruction of a medieval tower modelled after the tower in Cherven and built in 1930, is located in the southeastern part of the fortress. It is located at the place of the original medieval tower where Latin Emperor Baldwin I of Constantinople found his death as a prisoner of Kaloyan of Bulgaria.

• Trapezitsa Elevation Tsarevets

The rapezitsa Elevation, on the opposite bank of the river Yantra in Veliko Turnovo, which snakes around to provide a natural defiance to the city. The Trapezitsa Elevation is known for the many churches and other buildings excavated there, in total 17 churches have so far been uncovered.


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