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Home> Destinations> Europe> Veliko Tarnovo> Eat and Drink

St George's English Pub

Updated: 2014-07-28 / (veliko.co.uk)

[Photo from veliko.co.uk]

St George's is popular with Brits visiting and living in Bulgaria, as well as Bulgarians looking to see what Brits really eat, contrary to talk of packet food being the only thing Brits eat every day!

[Photo from veliko.co.uk]

As well as traditional Bulgarian home made dishes (No packet food here) St George's serves up some real English food as well as food that Brits love to eat. The menu includes: Cottage Pie, Jacket Potatoes, Chicken Tikka Masala, Argentinian Steak and Fish and Chips.

[Photo from veliko.co.uk]

Get there:

• Website www.georgespub.com

• Email info@goergespub.com

• Visit on foot (Or in the car, or on bike..) 14G Mamarchev Street Veliko Turnovo


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