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Home> Destinations> Europe> Rome> Transportation

Bus, Tram, Metro

Updated: 2014-07-29 / (turismoroma.it)

Sightseeing Rome on foot is indeed an exhausting enterprise. The public transport system of the underground, trams and buses gets you to the major tourist sites and attractions quicker. Bearing this in mind, we suggest purchasing a Roma Pass, costing 34 Euros and entitling card holders to use public transport for three days running, as well as benefit from discounts in museums, at tourist sites, shops and theatres.

A wide range of different kinds of tickets and season tickets are available with the Metrebus Roma system.

• BIT (€ 1,50) Valid for 100 minutes from the moment it has been stamped

• BIG (€ 6) Valid for the entire day for an unlimited number of journeys until midnight

• BTI (€ 16,50) Valid for 3 days from the date it has been first stamped, meaning until midnight of the third day including stamping, for an unlimited number of journeys

• CIS (€24 ) Valid for 7 days from the date it has been first stamped, meaning until midnight of the third day including the day it was stamped, for an unlimited number of journeys

• BIRG Valid until midnight of the day it has been stamped and for an unlimited number of an unlimited journeys in the selected zone at the time of purchase of card

• BTR Valid for 3 days from the date it has been first stamped, meaning until midnight of the 3rd day including the day it has been stamped and for an unlimited number of journeys in the selected zone at the time the card was purchased.

• CRS Valid for 7 days starting from the date of the first time it has been stamped, meaning until midnight of the 7th day including the day it has been stamped, for an unlimited number of journeys in the selected zone at the time the card was purchased.

Further information may be found on the website www.atac.roma.it


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