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St David’s Day – A celebration of Welsh history to remember

Updated: 2014-07-29 / (visitwales.com)
[Photo from visitwales.com]

Visit Wales on March 1 and you’ll see children in red shawls and black chimney hats, bright green leeks and yellow daffodils turned into colourful accessories. There will be a joyous air of celebration and national pride among local folk. It’s all in honour of Dewi Sant – St David – but not much is actually known about the patron saint himself.

Who was St David?

St David's Cathedral, Pembrokeshire by seentwistle Legend has it that he went on a pilgrimage, which led all the way to Jerusalem, where he was made an Archbishop. His miracles, though, happened closer to home–people began making their own pilgrimages to St David’s Cathedral, which he founded in West Wales, after word swiftly spread of his ability to make the earth rise beneath him, suggesting a power which could ward off the invading Normans.

St David's Day celebrations

St Davids Day Parade 2014, Cardiff by Simon.Matthews Almost 900 years after he was pronounced a saint, St David’s Day is the unmissable highlight of spring in Wales. The National St David’s Day Parade sends a red and yellow carnival across the centre of Cardiff, featuring all sorts of fiery performances from giant dragons and theatrical groups, not to mention star turns from the likes of Tom Jones and Shirley Bassey. A rousing mass rendition of the national anthem, Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau, finishes the procession outside St David’s Hall, where you can enjoy a special gala concert from the BBC National Orchestra of Wales in the evening.

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