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The Piazzas in the City Centre

Updated: 2014-07-29 / (turismoroma.it)

[Photo from turismoroma.it]

The piazzas in the city centre, especially in the high season, are swarming with people until late evening.

Start off from Piazza delle Coppelle, then move on to Piazza della Rotonda and reach the elegant Piazza Navona. From here, the lively and noisy Campo de’ Fiori is only a stone’s throw away: it is a highly popular rendezvous for youngsters, also attracting local residents and tourists from all over the world until the early hours of the morning, especially over weekends.

From Campo de’ Fiori, cross the calmer Piazza Farnese and go down Via Giulia until you get to the banks of the River Tiber (Lungotevere). It would be virtually a crime, at this point, not to cross Ponte Sisto and enjoy the spectacular view of the bridges over the Tiber, with the reflection of the city lights sparkling in its waters.

Now on to the loud atmosphere of Piazza Trilussa. Here all of Trastevere is “at your feet”. With Via della Scala, Piazza Santa Maria in Trastevere within easy reach, it is a chance to gradually unravel this cheerful and colourful corner of the capital, with its winding alleys inviting you to spend the evening in one of several cafés and restaurants sprinkled around here.

If your feet are not yet worn out, it is really worth going up to the Gianicolo and take in one of most sumptuous, romantic and indeed very best views of Rome.

If by chance you are in Rome during the third week in July, do not pass up the chance to visit Trastevere’s Festa de’ Noantri: it is the historical festival dedicated to the Madonna del Carmine, which is celebrated each year with music, folk dancing, cultural events and firework displays.


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