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Home> Destinations> Asia> Xi an> Shopping

Century Ginwa Shopping Mall

Updated: 2014-08-04 / (travelchinaguide.com)

Located between the ancient Bell tower and Drum tower, Century Ginwa Shopping Mall is a landscaped square with profound cultural connotations as well as a high quality, exclusive shopping center. The mall opened in 1998 and now houses over sixty world-famous brands for discriminating customers, including Bally, Burberry, Dior, Givenchy, Lancome, Estee Lauder, and other all of which make Ginwa a fashion center in Xi'an.

Opposite Ginwa is Kai Yuan Shopping Mall, one of the biggest department stores in Xi'an. Both the price and the quality of the commodities and the sales service are often praised by shoppers, who have made it one of the most popular shopping places in Xi'an.

Other Recommendations:

Minsheng Department Store, at No. 103, Jiefang Lu

Parkson Shopping Center is popular in Xi'an and now there are three Parkson

Xi'an Luck Parkson: 119, Dong Dajie (Opposite the Hyatt Regency Hotel)

Xi'an Shidai Parkson: Shidai Shengdian Plaza, Xi Dajie Xi'an Chang'an Parkson: 38, Chang'an Zhong Lu


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