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Home> Destinations> Asia> Chengdu> See> Natural Scene

The Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area

Updated: 2014-08-04 / (chinaculture.org)



The Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area is located in the Songpan county in Chengdu, Sichuan province.

The main scenic spot, Huanglong ditch is at the foot of Mount Min, which is praised as the national geographic park and the world biosphere zone.

This 700-square-kilometre zone is consisted of the Huanglong ditch, Danyuan(Red Cloud) gorge as well as the Mount Xuebaoding, and is known to the whole world for the four outstanding sceneries: colored pools, forest, gorge and the snow mountain.

When the snow of the peak melts, the water flows from the top with different speed, the various physical features and the stones and dropped branches of the wood stops its way, the calcium carbonate begins to generate, finally become a large gathering of the colored pools. The stream of water leaves the calc-sinter on its way, looks like a golden dragon flys from the peak of the mountain, that is where the name Huanglong(Chinese character of golden dragon) comes from.


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