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Home> Destinations> Asia> Dalian> See> Parks and Gardens

Zhongshan Square

Updated: 2014-08-13 / (wtcf.travel)

[Photo from en.visitdl.com]

Built in 1899 by Russians, Zhongshan Square is the oldest square in Dalian. Its name evolved from "Nicholas Square" under Tsarist Russian concession, to "Big Plaza" during Japanese colonization, and finally "Zhongshan" (the formal name of Sun Yat-sen) after liberation (1945). The square is also the first musical square in China. In 1995, 36 sets of audio systems were equipped around it. At dawn and dusk, people crowd here to play Chinese chess, kick shuttlecocks, dance, perform tai chi, see an outdoor movie, watch an entertainment show or enjoy concerts companied by music.


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