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Home> Destinations> Asia> Dalian> Accommodation

Dalian International Finance Conference Center

Updated: 2014-08-14 / (wtcf.travel)

Dalian International Finance Conference Center is a foreign-related five-star hotel that integrates accommodation, catering, entertainment and business services. It’s the only training base for IMF in Northeast Asia. There are all kinds of entertainment facilities, including recreation centers, a gymnasium, a sauna room, an indoor pool, a bowling alley, a squash club and a billiard room. The chamber, which can accommodate 400-700 people, is the ideal choice for organizing various social activities, receptions, business meetings and banquets.

Tel: 0411-82408888

Fax: 0411-82408441

Address: 68, West Area of Binhai Road, Xigang District, Dalian

Star level: Five star


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