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Home> Destinations> Asia> Bandung> See> Natural Scene

Pasir Kunci

Updated: 2014-08-16 / (bandungtourism.com)

[Photo from bandungtourism.com]

[Photo from bandungtourism.com]

Pasir Kunci is the name of the township area located in the autonomous Government of Bandung, precisely located in RW 11 Sub Pasirjati, Ujungberung, Bandung. Geographically the area is located at the foot of the mountain and at the same Manglayang as the border between the town and district of Bandung.

Situated at an altitude of about 800 meters above sea level, a cool atmosphere immediately greeted upon entering a distance of several hundred meters before reaching the tourist village of Pasir Kunci, Village Pasirjati, Ujung Berung District. It takes a bit of a struggle toward this place. Winding streets and climb must be taken within 2 miles of the distance along the Ujung Berung market. Although the tourisrs village of Pasir Kunci is directly related to Palasari Mountain, Mount Manglayang a thin fog was so clearly of the view.

Paddy field with lines arranged embankment so rare sight. Especially for metropolitan community that was so familiar with a variety of pollutants. On the other hand views of the city of Bandung, including the square tower can also be seen. The region has the potential of natural and extraordinary environment, but it may be said to be raw and less productive, but if this potential is more developed then it will be a productive area. Several potential stored and owned by the region including arts and culture, tourism, agro, and so forth. It's very unfortunate if the potential is only limited to local symbols only.


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