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Home> Destinations> Africa> Casablanca> Experience

The Moroccan dolce vita

Updated: 2014-08-20 / (visitmorocco.com)

Since the thirties, Casablanca has always had a very lively nightlife. This festive spirit has now spread to the nearby seaside resorts.

At Casablanca

The Aïn-Diab coast, the seaside annex of the city, is the traditional spot for inhabitants of Casablanca to go out to for the evening, especially on weekends. Trendy restaurants and popular pubs are abound along the seafront. Some of these establishments, with or without seawater swimming pools, have been there since the thirties.

The atmosphere is so cosmopolitan that it is as easy to find a sushi restaurant as one specialised in Moroccan dishes. The discotheques open later on in the evening. Everyone will find one to his taste, from the latest techno to North African music. Boulevard Mohammed V, in the city centre, is full of restaurants, some of which have kept their 1920's decoration. Another curiosity: you can have a drink in a perfectly recreated copy of the famous café in the film Casablanca.

The trendy resorts

Mohammedia, situated 28km north of Casablanca, is very popular with businessmen. The resort has developed a vast infrastructure of hotels and discotheques. Bouznika Bay, 20km further north, is a renowned seaside resort with magnificent beaches and an intense nightlife.


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