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Home> Destinations> America> Toronto> See> Themed Routes

City Sightseeing Toronto

Updated: 2014-08-24 / (seetorontonow.com)

[Photo from seetorontonow.cn]

City Sightseeing Toronto is proud to offer you the best ticket in town! Daily Double Decker City Tours and Niagara Falls Luxury Day Tours.

Hop On Hop Off City Tours

Enjoy the fun and informative commentary from live guides and take in the city sights as you relax aboard our classic British double-deckers. There more than 20 official stops for you to choose from and your bus ticket is valid for multiple days, allowing you to explore Toronto at your own pace. Why not take advantage of a free hotel pickup when you first arrive so that you can be welcomed to this wonderful city and get you started right away!

Niagara Falls Luxury Day Tours

No visit to Canada is complete without a visit to one of the World’s most impressive and powerful waterfall – Niagara Falls! Climb aboard one of our fully guided luxury coaches and tour the Niagara Region making stops at a local winery, Niagara On The Lake, Table Rock, Niagara Whirlpool and more. Free hotel pick up with the most free time at the falls!



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