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Home> Destinations> America> Toronto> See> Themed Routes

Hornblower Niagara Cruises

Updated: 2014-08-24 / (seetorontonow.com)
[Photo from seetorontonow.cn]

Hornblower Niagara Cruises introduces a whole new way to experience Niagara Falls, with brand-new and utterly thrilling boat tours aboard two new state-of-the-art 700-passenger catamarans. Visitors will experience the world famous tour of the Great Gorge, American Falls, Bridal Veil Falls – and an up-close-and-personal connection with the thundering powers of the mighty Horseshoe Falls.

Revolutionizing the traditional boat tour, Hornblower Niagara Cruises allows millions of yearly visitors to encounter the Falls like never before with all new Early Morning Sunrise Cruises, Fully-licensed Sunset Cocktail Cruises, Falls Illumination and Falls Fireworks Cruises in the evening. These awe-inspiring journeys, with stunning sunrise and nighttime views, have been designed to create once-in-a-lifetime experiences and memories of Canada’s Natural Wonder that will last forever.



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