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Tasty Tours

Updated: 2014-08-24 / (seetorontonow.com)

 [Photo from seetorontonow.cn]

Sweet! You’ve just stumbled on Toronto’s only & award-winning sweets tour – the only experience of its kind in Toronto. Tasty Tours takes you on a walk around different Toronto neighbourhoods, sampling delicious chocolates, cupcakes, churros & more. Discover hidden gems, learn tidbits of sweet history & leave with a happy belly. Visit the website for more information, but try not to drool over the pictures!

NEW: Oh Canada! Farmer’s Market Sweets Tour. Toronto’s only farmer’s market tour and the only tour in Canada dedicated to Canadian sweets, taking place in the Distillery District (a National Historic Site).

You’ve tried maple syrup, but have you tried different grades of maple syrup? What popular Canadian treat is born and bred in Ontario? Find out on the tour and shed your tourist badge on this authentic local experience (which even ends with a savoury and boozy bonus).

We also organize private tours of all kinds. Contact us to craft a sweet or savoury (or both!) experience. Our goal is to provide you a sweetly memorable experience without breaking the bank!



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