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Home> Destinations> Africa> Cape Town> See> Parks and Gardens

Fynbos And The Cape Floral Kingdom

Updated: 2015-05-08 / (capetown.travel)

Fynbos: a type of vegetation unique to the Mediterranean-climate region of southern and southwestern South Africa, characterized by evergreen hard-leaved shrubs and almost no trees". Meaning “fine bush”, fynbos is a unique and strikingly beautiful group of flora endemic to a small section of the Western Cape of South Africa.


There are only six floral kingdoms in the world, and fynbos not only constitutes one kingdom (the smallest) all on its own, but is the only one occurring entirely within one country.

Fynbos has more diversity of species than a tropical rainforest. There are 9 000 species of fynbos occurring in the Cape area, and over 2 000 species on Table Mountain alone – which is more plant species than occur in the whole United Kingdom.


Proteas, South Africa’s national flower (and the name of our national cricket team), are part of the fynbos family, as is rooibos, a plant increasing in international popularity as a herbal tea.

In 2004 the Cape Floral Region, constituting of a number of protected areas covering more than 550 000 hectares, was declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco.

You can see and walk in fynbos in many areas in and around Cape Town, including on the slopes and top of Table Mountain, at Cape Point, in the Kirstenbosch National Botanic Garden, and in the Silvermine Nature Reserve.

Aloe are just one of the many species of flora that can be found at the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden. Photo courtesy of Derek Keats

This species of Erica flowers all year round. Photo courtesy of Gravitywave

According to Indian legend, the water lily was once a star. Photo courtesy of riverside mc


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