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Wiener Wiesn-Fest

Updated: 2014-06-20 (wien.info)


From September 25 to October 12, the Wiener Wiesn-Fest pitches its tents on the Kaiserwiese in the Prater for the fourth time. Austrian beer, local food, all sorts of music and traditional outfits ensure a great atmosphere.

The fourth Wiener Wiesn-Fest will be held in the fall of 2014 against the backdrop of Vienna’s Giant Ferris Wheel. Regional costumes will add to thetraditional atmosphere at Austria’s biggest folk festival, where three festival tents with various musical programs await visitors. The Spider Murphy Gang, the Edlseer, Lauser, Sumpfkröten, Volxrock and Saubartln are just some of the acts. The right culinary supplement to the beer and music is provided by local cuisine ranging from Wiener Schnitzel to Brettljause.

Province Days

The focus of this year’s Wiener Wiesn-Fest is once again on “Golden Austria": On nine separate days, Austria’s provinces will present their own customs, cuisine and music. In addition, representatives from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, and Istria will be guests of Vienna on the new Crown Land Days. The Wiener Wiesn-Fest will start every day at 11:30 a.m. with a hearty morning pint (“Frühschoppen”). Brass bands and groups showing the customs of each of the regions will perform. Admission to the Wiener Wiesn-Fest is free until 18:00; on Mondays and Tuesdays it is free all day.

Starting at 18:30, the Wiesn Festival Party gets going in the festival tents with lots of live music. Party tickets cost €39 per head if you book a table or €44 for an individual ticket. You can buy them in advance or on site. For the second time now, the Wojnar tent will be holding the Pink Wiener Wiesn-Fest for the gay/lesbian community on October 3. New this year is Trachten Clubbing (in traditional dress) on September 28 (€10 per person).

In addition to the three festival tents, everyone can enjoy free entertainment in the Wiesn Village: at the open-air festival stage, in the ORF Alpine Hut, in theWinzer-Stadl for wine-lovers, in the hayloft, and in another Alpine hut.

Wiener Wiesn-Fest

Sept. 25-Oct. 12, 2014 Daily from 11:30 a.m. to midnight

Detailed music program: www.wienerwiesnfest.at

Tickets: www.wien-ticket.at


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