Oltrepò Pavese

The banks of the river Po, the Po valley plain, hills and mountains: all this is offered by the area known as the Oltrepò pavese. All sorts of different types of landscape are awaiting discovery, ideal for open-air tourism, with innumerable possibilities as regards locations at which to sample the foods and wines of the district.
The plainland areas are pleasant to explore by bicycle or on foot, along the river Po, or amongst the flat agricultural fields typical of the Lombard landscape.
But Oltrepò Pavese is famous above all for its hills, which represent an evocative viewpoint overlooking the river and the plains, and which provide the ideal conditions for vines. 16,000 hectares of vineyards are used to make excellent white and red wines. On the slopes there are many interesting and ancient towns and villages.
Further up, the hills give way to mountain landscapes, such as in the Staffora, Trebbia and Tidone valleys, with some peaks reaching 1,600 metres in height.
A curiosity: the many culinary specialities of the area include the wines from the hills, and the famous Varzi Salame, a product with ancient origins, and that today is famous for being one of the finest food products in Italy.
The Oltrepò Pavese district is famous for its nature and landscapes, but also for a great deal of history and culture. Interesting locations include the city of Voghera with its Visconti Castle, the towns Broni and Stradella, the mediaeval settlement Varzi, and many religious buildings, with many churches, and the hermitage Eremo di Sant’Alberto di Butrio, reputed to have been visited by Frederick Barbarossa and Dante Alighieri.