Alessi Museum

The Alessi Museum was founded in spring 1998 to a design by Alessandro Mendini, with the objective of transforming this historical heritage into an archive, expanding it constantly by acquiring all those objects, drawings, images and documents of whatever kind, that are relevant to the history of Alessi, and more in general to the overall history of domestic utensils and appliances.
The museum is in a building at the factory premises in Crusinallo di Omegna (Verbania). It presents a collection of prototypes, products that are no longer in production, printed material, design work and drawings. There are also many prints, designer layouts, historical images, books, magazines and catalogues. It is thus a specialist 20th century applied arts collection, including many pieces that are now very rare, and it is also an archive documenting Alessi’s cultural identity.
ADDRESS: Via Privata Alessi, 6 - 28882 Crusinallo di Omegna (Verbano-Cusio-Ossola).
TICKETS INFORMATION: Admission reserved only to researchers
PHONE: +39.0323.868611