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Visas, Documents and Embassies

Updated: 2014-05-30 / (cityofbeijing.gov.cn)

Once inside the country, a Chinese visa can be extended for an extra 30 days for up to two separate occasions by visiting the Foreign Affairs Section of the Public Security Bureau. Extensions vary by price, depending on your nationality.

Expect to wait up to five days for your visa extension to be processed. You will also need to provide two passport photos. First-time extensions are generally easy to obtain. However, the second extension is much more difficult and will certainly involve a lot of luck and may only allow an extra week extension. The fine for overstaying your visa is officially 500 yuan ($75) per day.

All manner of lengthy extensions and conversions to different visa categories are widely available through agents for a fee. It is wise to carry your passport with you at all times because you will need it to register in hotels, buy airplane tickets or change money. If you lose your passport, you should report it immediately to your embassy, as well as to a Public Security Bureau near where you are staying. If staying any length of time, it is wise to apply for a residence permit from the local public security bureau.

Branches of the Exit-Entry Administration of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau

Main Branch

Address: 2 Andingmen Dongdajie, Dongcheng district

Open: 9 am-noon and 1:00 pm -5:30 pm (Monday-Saturday)

Tel: +86 10 8402 0101

www. bjgaj.gov.cn

Chaoyang Branch

Address: 2 Xiaoyunli, Xiaoyun Lu, Chaoyang district

Open: 9 am-noon and 1:30 pm-5:30 pm (Monday-Saturday)

Traffic: Bus nos 405 and 421

Haidian Branch

Address: 67 Fucheng Lu, Haidian district

Open: 8:30 am-11:30 am and 1 pm -5 pm (Monday- Saturday)

Traffic: Bus Nos 505, 733, 746, 846, 748, 850, 967 and 977.

Embassies in Beijing

Generally, embassies are open from 9 am-noon and 1:30-4 pm, Monday to Friday. For visa applications, consulates tend to be closed in the afternoons. There are three embassy districts in Beijing: Jianguomen, Chaoyangmen and Liangmahe, where most of the embassies and consulates in Beijing are located. Around the three embassy districts, there are many lovely restaurants, bars and shops.

Check: http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/eng/ to find a list of all the embassies in Beijing.


Address: 21 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Sanlitun, Chaoyang district

Tel: +86 10 5140 4111


Address: 19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang district

Tel: +86 10 5139 4000


Address: 3 Dongsan Jie, Sanlitun, Chaoyang district

Tel: +86 10 8532 8080


Address: 17 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang district

Tel: +86 10 8532 9000


Address: 1 Ritan Donglu, Chaoyang district

Tel: +86 10 6532 1908


Address: 3 Riitan Donglu, Chaoyang district

Tel: +86 10 6532 2691


Address: 2 Sanlitun Dong Erjie, Chaoyang district

Tel: +86 10 8532 7600


Address: 7 Ritan Lu, Jianguomenwai, Chaoyang district

Tel:+86 10 6532 1203


Address: 2 Xiushui Beijie, Jianguomenwai, Chaoyang district

Tel: +86 10 6532 1203


Address: 4 Liangmahe Nanlu, Chaoyang district

Tel: +86 10 8532 0200

New Zealand

Address: 1 Ritan Dong Erjie, Chaoyang district

Tel: +86 10 8532 7000


Address: 4 Dongzhimen Beizhongjie, Chaoyang district

Tel: +86 10 6532 1381


Address: 1 Xiushui Beijie, Jianguomenwai, Chaoyang district

Tel: +86 10 6532 1115


Address: 40 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang district

Tel: +86 10 6532 1749

United Kingdom

Address: 11 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang district

Tel: +86 10 5192 4000

United States of America

Address: 55 Anjialou Lu, Chaoyang district

Tel: +86 10 8531 3000


Address: 32 Guanghua Lu, Jianguomenwai, Chaoyang district

Tel: +86 10 6532 1155


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