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Home> Destinations> Asia> Jiaozuo> See> Natural Scene

Qingtian River Scenic Spot

Updated: 2014-08-18 / (wtcf.travel)

Qingtian River scenic spot, a geological park, is honored as "Three Gorges in Northern China".

Located in Boai County of northwest Jiaozuo, Henan, the scenic spot shows a combination of the scenery of water land in Southern part of China and the landscape of north countryside,

It is 106 square kilometers, consisting of 308 attractions and seven scenic spots including Daba, Daquan Lake, Sangu Spring, Guanyin Gorge, Foer Gorge, Jijia Ridge and Yueshan Temple.

With green mountains surrounding waters, trees standing around the ancient temple, spring flowing and water falling, the place is like a poetic picture with green waves spreading on the lake and wild ducks swimming. The green trees of both sides are shading down while macaques playing among.

Here, one can see the newly-developed Foer Gorge which is full of twists and turns, streams and springs flowing out one after another, dense trees and bamboos growing through the air, like an exquisite bonsai which gather all spiritual breath and essence of the sky, earth, mountain and water.

The thousand-year-old Yueshan Temple, which Qing Dynasty Emperor Qianlong had paid respect to for three times, enjoying equal popularity with Shaolin Monastery in the world..

When the mountains are covered by red leaves in autumn, it can be called a natural oxygen bar and forest fairyland with wispy mists and fresh air.

Surrounded by grand mountains and clear waters, Qingtian River Scenic Spot is happily greeting you with its high-end services and hospitality.


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