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Special food in Beijing for the Spring Festival

Updated: 2014-08-20 / (chinadaily.com.cn)

Roast duck

Local Beijing people will certainly have chicken, duck, fish and meat at their New Year's Eve dinner table, but for people living outside Beijing, it can be difficult to get their hands on the roast duck, a distinctive food in Beijing. But as many roast duck brands are doing the service of the vacuum pack of roast duck, the dish has now made its way to the festival dining table of people outside the city.

One of the most famous roast duck brands is Quanjude.

Quanjude chooses quality ducks and features dozens of rare spices and ingredients, as well as traditional and modern manufacturing process and Quanjude's secret recipe. It has an alluring appearance, soft texture and rich flavor, leaving a pleasant taste in the mouth. The product is priced at 100 yuan and is available at many supermarkets.

Beijing Eight Pieces

Beijing's pastries have long enjoyed a good reputation. The Beijing Eight Pieces were an essential gift at major royal celebrations in the Qing Dynasty. They spread to the ordinary folk later. Nowadays there are always long lines in front of pastry shops during the holidays, and the eight pieces are among the local people's favorites. Many old people have the habit of eating them with milk for breakfast, which is not only tasty but also healthy. It is highly recommended if you have the elderly or young at home.

The eight pieces come in two varieties, big and small. They differ in their size of stuffing. Big eight pieces usually weigh 0.5 kilograms, while the small ones weight 0.25 kilograms.

The Beijing Eight Pieces are baked goods made of flour, sugar, soda water and Shaoxing rice wine. The stuffing includes hawthorn, rose, white sugar, grape, spiced salt, jujube paste, and grebe plum.

The eight pieces are usually priced at 50 yuan, and one of the famous brands is Daoxiangcun. The product is available in many supermarkets or dessert shops.

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