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Home> Destinations> Europe> Athens> See> Themed Routes

On Foot - Kolonaki-Riggilis Area-Mets

Updated: 2014-06-10 / (visitgreece.gr)

1st Cemetery

It is the oldest and largest cemetery in Athens, in which some of the most remarkable personalities of modern Greece were buried (politicians, researchers, artists, religion leaders etc). It was established the same year as the Greek State and has architectural influences from West European big cemeteries of the 19th century. It is actually an open-air sculpture gallery, developed in an impressive and quiet garden, with tomb artworks, created by the most remarkable Greek sculptors of the last two centuries.


Koimomeni. The most famous sculpture of neo Hellenic art, created in 1878 by G. Chalepa for the tomb of S. Afentaki.

G. Averof Monument. This is the most impressive sculpture of the cemetery, created by G. Vitalis and D. Filippoti. The national benefactor's bones rest there since 1908.

E. Schliemann Monument. It is a tomb in the shape of a small church created by the German archeologist who discovered the city of Troy. It was created by E. Ziller (1892). The podium of the little church is surrounded by a stripe of bas-relief depictions of Trojan War.

Chr. Zografos Monument. It is a monument of cinquecento type. It has copied the Mausoleum of Lorenzo Medici in Florence.

Gimnos Aggelos (Naked Angel). An amazing tomb sculpture on N. Koumelis grave, created by G. Vitsari.

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